
Magento v.1 will receive only security patches (no quality updates) until June 2020 and then support will end. Most Magento sites are large, complex, highly-functional stores – such as our friends at Northcore Europe, so starting to implement a changeover strategy now will ensure the move can be made in a planned, structured way that maximises business continuity.

It should also be noted that there are non-PCI DSS compliance issues related to unsupported software

It should also be noted that there are non-PCI DSS compliance issues related to unsupported software and this could potentially leave your business exposed should there be a data breach or fraudulent activity.

POP are experienced at developing for Magento 2, from more straight-forward e-commerce projects, to large multi-store front, multi-currency websites, so if you or someone you know would like to know more about moving to Magento v.2 or to Adobe Magento from another e-commerce platform, please drop us an email and we will be happy to help.

Further reading

Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash