Hostie Hats hat pic

As a long-standing client of nearly a decade, we are honoured to continue working with Hostie Hats to help them achieve even greater online success.

Hostie Hats was established by Lucinda Hostombe Shooter, a graduate of the London College of Fashion. Since then, her pieces have been featured in publications such as The Sunday Times Style Magazine, The Guardian, and Grazia. Her striking, hand-made designs are worn by high-profile celebrities, prominent racing personalities, and the fashion elite.

Hostie Hats WordPress and WooCommerce e-commerce website

The original website we built for Hostie Hats in 2016 has been instrumental in driving revenue growth. That’s why, now the time has come to refresh it, Hostie Hats has entrusted our expertise and knowledge to create a user-testing-informed redesign and redevelopment of their website.

We understand the importance of providing an exceptional user experience, so before any restructuring or design work is done, we will undertake detailed user testing on the existing platform and also test the new prototype when it has been created.

The website is a bespoke development built using WordPress and WooCommerce. If you want to discuss e-commerce or WordPress development, drop us a line!