MEU brand guidelines
Diocese of Lincoln brand guidelines
Rebranding Zaddle Internet Marketing - Brand Guidelines

We have worked with clients in a broad spread of sectors and of all sizes, including multi-national organisations and small owner-managed companies. The common thread is that our clients understand the value of their brand — or potential value, and trust us to give them clarity. Rebranding isn’t simply a case of throwing everything out and starting again, but gaining a deep understanding of the brand and providing a clear message, internally and externally.

Common starting points for rebranding projects include:

  • Aiming to reach a new audience
  • Trying to create a new vision for your brand internally
  • Trying to create or update brand definition externally
  • Signalling a change in the brand’s direction
  • Bringing together businesses within one brand via a merger or acquisition

Consider function and context before rebranding; start by constructing a solid business case for change

If you are considering rebranding, what indicated that you should act in the first place? Consider function and context first and start by constructing a solid business case for change:

  • Is your branding causing practical issues?
  • Has the brand changed course since its inception?
  • Does your brand lack differentiation?
  • Has the competitive situation changed and left your brand looking unsophisticated or tired by comparison?
  • Do you need to reposition the brand or change the messaging attached to it?

You can read a more detailed account of how to conduct a successful rebrand in our blog post How to rebrand successfully.

If you either don’t know where to start or have a brief ready to go, get in touch and let us help you deliver a successful, meaningful change.

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